Londra Proteste pluriennali contro la guerra in Iraq di fronte a Westminster Londres Protestations contre la guerre en Irak en face de Westminster London Protests against the war in Iraq in front of Westminster
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Copyright ©mauro guglielminotti/BuenaVista ©mauro guglielminotti/BuenaVista
Copyright ©mauro guglielminotti/BuenaVista ©mauro guglielminotti/BuenaVista
Iraq, guerra, pacifismo, contro la guerra, pacifista, Brian Haw, pacifisti, pace, protesta, manifestazione, Irak, guerre, pacifisme, anti-guerre, pacifiste, Brian Haw, paix, protestation, démonstration, war, pacifism, anti-war, pacifist, Brian Haw, peace, protest, demonstration, bandiera pace, flag, drapeau, Big Ben, parlamento, Westminster, Parliament, anarchia, no war, anarchie, simbolo, symbol, orologio, ora, time